Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why have you forgotten us?

1) Pine Ridge is the biggest (most populated) Indian reservation in the United States with a population of about 40,000.2) Median income is between $2,600 and $3,500 per YEAR.3) Although estimates vary, 85%-97% of the population lives below the federal poverty level.4) Life expectancy is 50 years, compared to 78 for the national average.5) Teen suicide is 150% higher than the national average.6) Infant mortality is 300% higher than the national average, the highest on this continent.7) Diabetes and tuberculosis is 800% higher than the national average.8) School dropout rate is 70%9) Teacher turnover is 800% higher than the national average.10) 39% of the homes have no electricity.11) 33% lack basic water and sewage systems, as well as electricity.12) Pine Ridge has no banks, discount stores, or movie theaters.13) Alcohol related death is 300% higher than the national average

Hello my name is Autumn Two Bulls and i am from the Pine Ridge Lakota Reservation. We are considered one of the poorest nations in county. The poverty levels here are outrageous. The sickness due to poverty and genocide are off the charts. The effecst tie into another. But it all stems from poverty and dispare. Our lakota people have endured many hardships and struggles in their life time. And they will continue to struggle until the day they die. Unless we can step in and bring awareness and aide to these people. I am one of these people. I live right in the middle of it everyday. And i see how it effects our people. Right down to my children. I educate my children about genocide and oppression. And how it effects those who have no clue to what it is. To them it is life and they have excepted it that way. And that is the sad part of life here. I am working on building a homeless shelter for the women, children and men. Becasue i know of a man that lives in a car outside a relatives house.
Phone# 605-407-0582

Autumn Bulls

P.O Box 564

Allen S.D 57714


C/O Allen Post Office

Autumn Two Bulls

100 main street sd 57714


  1. First Nations United supports this

  2. I've put a link to your blog on my blog.
    You're strong to do this, I salute you!

  3. Autumn,
    There needs to be more young women like you who are willing to take this fight outside the rez, to let everyone know what the problems are and to solicit more help....Wopila Tanka for your efforts at this, Jim.
